Back where you came from!


01-06-2024 - Howdy do! Bet you were expecting a garish background of some screwed up imitation of Uncle Sam to meet your gaze. A million demented patriotic eyes looking back into your own, right? Well, not here. Or not yet, at least. He hasn't found me for the time being, so we're able to speak freely about whatever the heck we want. Except not really, because this is a blog, and the purpose of a blog was to allow one's opinion to be slapped unto all who enter here, unceremoniously, like a brutish trout across the cheeks of one unconsensual party. So you're listening to me talk instead, and I'm going to talk about whatever I think of.

For starters, I had orange juice today. It was good. More to discuss will occur tomorrow if I feel like it.